Evolutionary Biome: The Pilgrimage to Ascension by Lori Toye


Restore Your Heritage as a Light BE-ing

  As the conventional world hurtles uncontrollably through economic uncertainty, pandemic, and constant social and cultural polarity, a new world of abundance, health, harmony, and Oneness offers light to humanity’s continuous struggle with shadow. This luminous, creative world is the Evolutionary Biome.

  The Evolutionary Biome is the wondrous world around us, from atomic particles to the green grass under our feet. It is contained in all biologic organisms to seemingly inert objects on Earth, from the running water in our kitchen taps to a flowing river during a spring thaw. Its energies are present in all of life. The Master Teachers, as channeled by mystic Lori Toye in the many I AM America books, describe it simply as “Oneness.”

  Through this book, you will take a journey—literal or meditative—to the worldwide Golden Cities—an evolutionary path enabling us to receive unique and vital energies for the Golden Age. This journey comprises spiritual, mental, and physical forces influenced by the dynamism of Group Mind. On this path you will learn how the Evolutionary Biome seamlessly connects our inner life to the outer life, perfect and imperfect, with sequential chaos and rhythm, beauty and order. With practice and guidance from the many exercises, become a Co-creator of the Golden Age we all long for.

  In twenty lessons the Ascended Masters share inspiring and fascinating details that include one of the best collections of contemporary teachings regarding the Western Shamballa Lineage and its invaluable knowledge of the Golden Cities. This spiritual education features Pilgrimages to engage your evolutionary Ascension Process, information regarding Shamballa and its numerous ethereal temples of light, specific instruction on the use of Cup Ceremony, and the rich traditions and legacy of the Ascended Masters that interface the Evolutionary Biome onto our Earth.

  Commit to your spiritual evolution and, through the pages of Evolutionary Biome, take an inner and an outer Pilgrimage, intentionally choosing Light that restores and expands our heritage as Light Beings.

ISBN: 9781880050309

Full Color, 492 pages. 

This book is carefully researched, featuring over fifty comprehensive Appendices with detailed illustrations and instructions on the Healing of the Nations Pilgrimage and the Golden City Ascension Pilgrimage, biographies of the Ascended Masters, and introduces many new Golden City Hierarchs. Evolutionary Biome also includes an in-depth glossary with over 200 definitions for the Golden Age with a thorough index, numerous footnotes, and references. Go to I AM America Bookstore.


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