
Showing posts with the label The I AM America Atlas

The I AM America Atlas for 2021 and Beyond by Lori Toye

  The I AM America Atlas for 2021 and Beyond Based on the Maps, Prophecies, and Teachings of the Ascended Masters This is the  latest  version of the  I AM America Atla s and contains  updated information  with over  300 new maps  and illustrations. Along with many new  detailed worldwide Golden City Maps  you will discover the latest in depth research on: The  Science of the Maltese Cross  and the  Photon  of Light: Dimensional symbolism and Golden City Activation. Golden City Doorways: Symbolism and the  HU-man Energy System . Golden City Evolutionary Points and Pyramids: The Twelve Jurisdictions and Moving through the Eight-sided Cell of Perfection,  Galactic Light ,  Ascension  and the  Evolutionary Biome . Golden City Adjutant Points and Lei-lines: The Spiritual Ashrams, Temples, Retreats, and  Power Points of a Golden City . Golden City Spiritual Pilgrimage: Engage your Ascension Process through the  science of Golden City Spiritual Pilgrimage . Learn the important Migration Patt