
Showing posts from November, 2022

Photons Propel Your Ascension by Lori Toye

  Photons Propel Your Ascension The Twenty-third book from the I AM America Teachings,  Photons Propel Your Ascension  offers long-time students of Ascended  Master Saint Germain’s  channeled knowledge  a compendium of lessons and exercises  that are both highly esoteric and accessible to those steeped in his teachings. Recent research by a team of physicists at the University of Warsaw provides compelling evidence that the  Photon  takes the shape of the  Maltese   Cross , a symbol of protection and blessings.  What is a Photon? A Photon is a  particle of light  — in truth, both a wave and a particle —whose primary purpose is to create and deliver light into denser structures of matter. It is  conscious, alive, and awar e. In 2022 our solar system inhabits a large oceanic  ionic field of plasma , that by definition is in a constant state of colliding, a movement that creates a strong magnetism. (A simple example of ever-colliding plasma is the magnificent Aurora Borealis.)  It is no c

The I AM America Atlas for 2021 and Beyond by Lori Toye

  The I AM America Atlas for 2021 and Beyond Based on the Maps, Prophecies, and Teachings of the Ascended Masters This is the  latest  version of the  I AM America Atla s and contains  updated information  with over  300 new maps  and illustrations. Along with many new  detailed worldwide Golden City Maps  you will discover the latest in depth research on: The  Science of the Maltese Cross  and the  Photon  of Light: Dimensional symbolism and Golden City Activation. Golden City Doorways: Symbolism and the  HU-man Energy System . Golden City Evolutionary Points and Pyramids: The Twelve Jurisdictions and Moving through the Eight-sided Cell of Perfection,  Galactic Light ,  Ascension  and the  Evolutionary Biome . Golden City Adjutant Points and Lei-lines: The Spiritual Ashrams, Temples, Retreats, and  Power Points of a Golden City . Golden City Spiritual Pilgrimage: Engage your Ascension Process through the  science of Golden City Spiritual Pilgrimage . Learn the important Migration Patt

Evolutionary Biome: The Pilgrimage to Ascension by Lori Toye

  Restore Your Heritage as a Light BE-ing   As the conventional world hurtles uncontrollably through economic uncertainty, pandemic, and constant social and cultural polarity,  a new world of abundance, health, harmony, and Oneness  offers light to humanity’s continuous struggle with shadow. This luminous, creative world is the Evolutionary Biome.   The  Evolutionary Biome  is the wondrous world around us, from atomic particles to the green grass under our feet. It is contained  in all biologic organisms to seemingly inert objects on Earth , from the running water in our kitchen taps to a flowing river during a spring thaw.  Its energies are present in all of life . The Master Teachers, as channeled by mystic Lori Toye in the many  I AM America  books, describe it simply as “ Oneness .”   Through this book, you will take a journey—literal or meditative—to the worldwide  Golden Cities —an evolutionary path enabling us to receive unique and  vital energies for the Golden Age . This journ

Golden Cities and the Masters of Shamballa by Lori Toye

  Learn the Secrets of Ascension!  Full color, hardback edition, 414 pages with over 100 illustrations.   This book holds the long-kept secrets of the Masters of Shamballa and is your next step on the spiritual path to Ascension. However it’s not just a step, but a literal Spiritual Pilgrimage through the words and instruction of the Ascended Masters, to Golden Cities—locations throughout the world where you can accelerate your spiritual development in this  Time of Change  and  Great Awakening.      Through the Adjutant Points, lei-lines, and magical portals described in these pages, you will learn about the growth of HU-man Consciousness and gain entrance into the once guarded knowledge of Master Teachers who aspire for humanity’s freedom. You will discover treasured spiritual techniques that rapidly expand and cultivate your Ascension Process while experiencing Spiritual Migration, a real Spiritual Pilgrimage to each Master’s Golden City. Migratory patterns help to improve self-awar